Many older people are often the shoulder and neck soreness and pain, this happens often with physical therapy, massage, massage and other treatments, although the pain can be mild in the acute phase of relief and a pain to stop these treatments not only "come back" but did not reduce the extent, then, might look to dentistry. Second Hospital of Peking University Dental Clinic of Orthodontics, said Dr Sang Anhui, old people's neck and back pain may be related to poor dental occlusion.
Suffering from periodontal disease, dental caries, clenching, brutish, tooth loss, unilateral chewing and other bad bite case, the vertical position of the head can break the chain of the normal form of the muscle, so that the physiological functions of head and neck muscles Dental Equipment disharmony leading to neck and shoulder pain, muscle soreness, dizziness and other symptoms.
These bad bite cases should be promptly treated for the cause, such as periodontal disease to anti-inflammatory; best dental caries; the side of tooth loss after the use of unilateral chewing, the denture can be bordered on both sides after the back to chew, neck and the symptoms will not disappear; brutish can use a variety of partial or full mouth of teeth occlusal pad or plywood.
Of course, older people because of degenerative changes in the body, more or less neck problems, neck pain and soreness in the event of such symptoms, the first rule out cervical lesions, go to dental examination. For the tooth of the elderly, to early denture, filling, do not appear an intolerable neck and shoulder pain was "too late."