Thursday, 31 May 2012

Analysis of the removable denture teeth together causes of elevated

Activities denture teeth together increased this problem since birth removable dentures, which along with the emergence of, until now, despite our rapid development of materials science and technology section of the innovation, but this phenomenon is not fully resolved; it many reasons are complex, the overall reason can be broadly divided into the following aspects:

1. The proportion of gypsum gouache is not controlled; lead to the contraction ratio of the plaster model is too large.

2. Tune gypsum is of no use of anti-expansion of the liquid, also contributed to dental equipment the contraction ratio of the plaster model is too large.

3. Row of teeth, the natural dentition, the occlusal surface of the wax, resulting in artificial dentition row.

4. Filling resin separation agent coating is too thick, the teeth together increased.

5 Filling resin pressure test did not do the Activities increased denture occlusal solution overflow canal because the resin to fill too much, as well as teeth together increased.

6. After resin filling, pressure box is not completely the excess resin squeezed out.

7. Injection aggregate or injection vacuum pressure polymerization.

8. Every step carefully, teeth together increased the problem is completely solved.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Under what circumstances need a denture?

Modern Prosthodontics: it is very wrong to consider this view of the denture teeth fall out. Oral and Maxillofacial bear chewing, language, breathing, beautiful and important function of the human tooth, early dentition defect should be repaired in time of treatment with the help of modern restoration science and technology and advanced technology materials, to terminate the development of lesions to extend the life of the natural teeth, the teeth for life to serve you.

Patients during the treatment of oral rehabilitation, first we have a general understanding of their oral condition to determine whether the need for repair. The need to repair the treatment of common diseases: (A). Dental defects or deformities: refers to the shape of tooth structure varying degrees of texture and anatomy and physiology due to caries, trauma, wear and dental equipment other reasons caused by damaged or abnormal; deformity is in the process of tooth development, abnormal shape, structure or color. Tooth defect, deformity can not be adopted filling or grinding to change back to normal form and function, by the inlay or crown restorations to repair. (B). Dentition defect: refers to dental caries, periapical disease, periodontal disease, trauma caused by the loss of part of the tooth in the dentition, and undermine the integrity of the dentition and affect the patient's chewing, esthetics and phonetics. A dentition defect depending on the situation is different, fixed partial dentures, removable partial denture, and dual sets of denture repair. (C). Denture: more common in the elderly, often because of caries or What kind of teeth to pull periodontal disease led to the missing tooth in the dentition, loss of masticatory function has seriously affected the pronunciation and appearance, the need for complete denture. (D). Periodontal diseases: periodontal disease after treatment of periodontal series with the appropriate repair plywood fixed can be fixed loose teeth, dispersed occlusal force, reduce trauma, adjusting the bite, improve chewing performance to create the conditions for periodontal healing. The common method of plywood splints, removable denture splint and double sets of crown.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Straightening teeth six major reasons

Usually people come to straightening teeth is a beautiful, healthy and functional for their teeth. The following six reasons for straightening teeth.

Orthodontics one of the reasons - the appearance of

It is concerned about the appearance of the teeth, and an attractive smile can greatly enhance self-confidence.

Today, through good oral hygiene and oral care routine, your teeth may accompany you in your life. If they look very beautiful, why not?

The second reason of straightening teeth - oral hygiene

When your teeth crowded, overlapping is very difficult to clean. Poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, gum problems or dental equipment even the main reason for tooth loss.

Aligned through orthodontic treatment to your teeth to maintain oral health will be easier.

The third reason of straightening teeth - tooth wear

Studies have shown that the malocclusion deformity will cause clenching, bruxism and excessive tooth wear or uneven wear.

Cause of straightening teeth - gums injury

In severe malocclusion, the teeth may Brushing their teeth a good mouthwash damage gums such as deep laminated cases, the lower front teeth bite front teeth palatal side of the gums.

Orthodontics reasons - temporomandibular joint problems

Research has shown that malocclusion can cause pain and damage of the temporomandibular joint area.

Six reasons - pronunciation of straightening teeth

Malocclusion patient’s pronunciation may be affected, because edentulous location arrangement is incorrect.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Tooth pain after dental what is the reason

(A). After filling bite pain: more common in both cases (1) most filling early point of contact, which leads to periodontal trauma examination revealed silver amalgam fillings there are bright spots on the surface, other materials filling can be used articulating paper to determine as early as contact points. (2) teeth sore, This is found in dental material there is no compaction or dental equipment bubble or cavity, or no cushion at the bottom of bottom materials for the protection of the pulp a good cause.

Approach: a simple tune jaw can be, second need to take a clean dental materials re the bottom of fillings.

(B). after filling with hot and cold allergy symptoms: There are three general circumstances, stimulate the pulp production in the teeth when excessive heat or disinfectants (1) due to hot and cold allergy symptoms get worse or converted to spontaneous pain. Substrate or substrate (2) does not pad not pad, dental materials stimulate the pulp: the base material itself stimulate the pulp. (3) Depression of filling material remaining teeth biting the pulp exposure to hot and Oral several issues easily misunderstood by the average person cold allergy symptoms. (4) Dental materials and teeth edges caused by the micro-cracks.

Approach: If there is no spontaneous pain can go to a clean material to re-regulate the fillings can be. If there is obvious sense should be and not to dental appease observed.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Tongue tie operation of orthotics

Tongue tie operation of orthotics

Normal lingual frenulum is located in the floor of the mouth in front of tongue below the middle of the mucosal folds. With a tongue tie in the neonatal period is extended to the tip of the tongue or close to the tip of the tongue. In the development process of the tongue, laces gradually retreat to the base of the tongue. A normal child under 2 years after the tongue was moving away from the lace. A small number of growths are not normal when the lingual frenulum is too short.

The tongue tie correction surgery is how to do?

1. Surgery Objective: To make the tongue with ease, the correct pronunciation, retroflex pronunciation is not limited.

2. Treatment and care: in infancy, usually tongue tie with short, from time to rush to the orthotics can be observed after 2 years of age, due to dental equipment lace too short, tongue protrusion, to pervert the course of language clear and feasible corrective surgery.

(1). Sick child supine, assistant fixed the head and hands, so that the sick child mouth, roll the tongue body, exposed tongue tie, with 1% terracing topical anesthesia, the left hand holding the probe fixed tongue, right hand holding scissors quickly cut the tongue tie, the pressurized line blunt dissection with gauze when necessary, so that the tie completely off to the base of the tongue, coated with red pumps, sublingual stuffed gauze to stop bleeding. Such as the baby is Pregnant women should pay attention to oral hygiene uncooperative, do a spatula can be used when softened mouth.
(2). Care:

1. Outpatient surgery observation room for half an hour, and observe whether the bleeding, bleeding urgent should be timely.
2. Postoperative diet limited to, a week after having a meal with Bell or saline mouthwash.
3. The retroflex healed practice.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Can you do the dental implant restoration?

Patients need to accept a minor operation, is about to implant implanted gums. Can not stand or unconditional acceptance of this surgery, mainly related to the patient's general condition and local conditions. Dental Implant Experts pointed out that the body status from the point of view, must be the young people of the general condition of good physical and mental health of adults, or bone and tooth development has been finalized, no organic disease of various organs and osteoporosis. Local conditions, a tooth, multiple teeth or even full mouth of teeth missing persons, gums bone is severely resorbed, wearing traditional dentures, difficulty in chewing food, Furthermore, the appearance of the dentures have special requirements, functionality, or dental equipment terminal deletion could not do the traditional fixed-wearers.

In local conditions, there are some requirements, such as implant surgery is required in the extraction of teeth in the three months, but also for oral soft tissue without significant inflammation requirements of the gums, bone morphology and good quality. In addition, dental implant experts have warned that the majority of beauty, dental implant price is more expensive and there is a failure rate of about 5%, thus requiring the patient on a dental implant, I have a strong demand and What are the advantages and long service life of dental implants economic conditions permit. Suffering from chronic wasting disease such as tuberculosis, diabetes, blood diseases, hypertension, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, suffering from mental illness, mental quality of instability, drug addiction, alcoholism, serious mental infirmity, physical poor, these disorders are a contraindication for implant surgery.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Set activities for the elderly denture or fixed partial denture

We all know that missing teeth early denture repair, teeth and dental clinical, retention of the dentures in the mouth, can be divided into two kinds of removable dentures and fixed partial dentures, then the teeth of the elderly, what which is more suitable?

First for What are the advantages and disadvantages of removable dentures, removable dentures with plastic or metal base plate, base plate attached to the clasp and dentures rely on the clasp hanging in the real teeth on retention, the patient can pick to wear removable dentures the advantages are: a wide range of applications to all the missing tooth from the missing tooth can be used, repair worn out when the tooth structure can be turned off to clean, easy to maintain health, easy to repair after damage. Removable dentures have some disadvantages, such as larger, not suited to early wear, masticatory function is relatively poor.

Fixed partial dentures made of metal and nonmetal production, denture base, small size. Real teeth fixed partial dentures rely on retainer with the ends connected solid at both ends of the real teeth like a bridge pier fixed denture set up, learn the name of a fixed bridge. Fixed partial denture using a narrow range, suitable for a small number of missing teeth and remaining teeth health. Fixed partial denture retention is good, chewing efficiency, comfort, fixed partial denture of metal and dental equipment nonmetal co-produced aesthetic effect. The greatest disadvantage of the fixed partial denture is worn out the true tooth tissue, making more difficult.

Then the elderly insert removable denture or fixed partial denture is good, the experts pointed out: choose dentures specific according to the specific circumstances of the patient's oral cavity, mouth and body in good health, the number of missing teeth are less than three Prosthodontics may be appropriate to select the fixed partial denture, and if a large number of missing teeth, but also do not want to molar, then select the removable denture repair.

In short, the elderly, tooth loss what to select removable dentures or fixed partial denture, and then listen to the dentist's recommendations, both doctors and patients to reach a consensus on the basis of a final decision.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Clinical study of correction of mandibular retrusion

Mandibular retrusion mandibular hypoplasia or a congenital lack of the back of lower front teeth and the lateral period muscle dysfunction caused by a jaw malocclusion. Clinical manifestations.

1. Mandibular retrusion, normal maxillary position, the front teeth dark covering the anterior teeth was tilted, the lower front teeth high bite approached teeth lingual protuberance or palate mucosa, lower lip attached to the upper front teeth that extend occlusion of the posterior teeth together as far.

2. Mandibular anterior teeth deep laminated. Anterior teeth lingual to the labial gingiva on teeth before biting the next, the lower front teeth bite on the palate mucosa, occlusion of the posterior teeth distal co.

3. Mandibular retrusion, under the arch is less than the upper arch, the facial 1/3 height shorter, lateral view of mandible more shrinkage.

4. Anterior teeth deep coverage of the anterior teeth exposed to the estuary, the profile seems lower jaw and chin retrusion, upper and lower vastly disproportionate.

Diagnosis is based on

Oral mandibular model with maxillary prognathism, anterior deep coverage is often accompanied by deep laminated the difference between normal maxillary positions, mandibular chin retrusion. The 2.X Cephalometry SNB angle and dental equipment face angle is less than the normal range. ANB angle greater than normal, the SNA angle is normal.

Principles of treatment

1. Functional mandibular retrusion therapy:

(1). Wear into the attached flat guide plate maxillary activity appliance and try to wear in addition to between individual teeth interference, and to do the lateral period muscle function exercise among sex occlusal habits have been basic to complete, will be flat guide plate change to do inclined plane, such as the posterior teeth to restore contact need to continue wearing the inclined board for a period of time,

(2). Can wear down the activities of non-functional plane splint appliance for intermaxillary Class II traction, improved jaw relationship.

2. Narrow maxillary arch and mandibular retrusion, flat plate and extend the activities of the bow spring appliance, adjust the afterburner expand the Teeth after root canal therapy need braces upper arch, occlusal balance could be replaced by bevel guides guide the lower jaw forward to its normal position. Or fixed appliance.

3. Mandibular posterior teeth neutral co-mandibular anterior teeth to the labial push the open secluded gap teeth.

4. Mandibular retrusion severe cases, the available surgical orthodontic surgery to correct, and for the chin angioplasty.

5. Mandibular retrusion of maxillary protrusion, such malocclusion deep coverage of the most serious, the main focus, with surgical orthodontic surgery orthodontic treatment. The principles of a drug need surgery, preoperative and postoperative medical advice line, and the conventional anti-infective drugs. Additional tests.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The oral environments affect the success rate of dental implant

With a variety of complex dental implants and surgical techniques to carry out, as long as the dentition defect or edentulous patients with dental implants to rebuild occlusion. But the success of dental implant premise must have good oral environment, good healing capability and ability to resist infection.

Dental implant to adapt to the following circumstances: lack of individual teeth, missing teeth areas normal planting beds, most of the missing tooth to be fixed partial denture, to alleviate the missing teeth gap at both ends of the burden on the abutment teeth, the middle of planting the abutment teeth, denture teeth, loss of serious dental alveolar ridge absorption, can not bear the load of the denture base, a full mouth of teeth missing, viable full mouth coverage or dental equipment full mouth fixed implant denture repair, mandibular defects, the repair is completed by planting functional reconstruction and morphological recovery. Due to physiological or psychological reasons, can not be used to wear a larger base plate removable partial denture, or to stimulate the emergence of the reactions of nausea and vomiting.

Absolute contraindication for implant therapy in systemic diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, digestive diseases, respiratory diseases, diabetes and osteoporosis, patients suffering from diseases requiring hospitalization or can affect implant the combination of bone can be classified as an absolute contraindication. Other absolute contraindications schizophrenia, paranoia, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, nervous constitution, extreme stress disorder, early Alzheimer's disease, as well as the planting treatment to expect too much, bruxism or Root canal treatments how long can porcelain crowns other bad habits of chewing, malignant soft and hard tissue lesions. Relative contraindications have enough bone of the edentulous ridge, high enough bite, missing teeth and the gap width is not enough, and periodontitis. The relative contraindications can be resolved through certain methods, when the situation has improved dental implant treatment, tooth loss, according to individual circumstances, to choose the most suitable, the best repair method.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Oral suture Note

1. Neat wound edge on both sides of equal length. If the wound edge is irregular or suture of the edge of two different lengths should be appropriate trimming blade or scissors, until the wounds could be relatively close without folds. Such as the length difference of more, can not be trimmed, can be the first wound suture, and finally at the end of the wound, wrinkled prominences are divided into a triangular incision, cut the excess tissue and make suturing.

2. Needle into the organization's depth should be equal on both sides of different shades, and then tie a knot, the deep side is higher than the shallow side of the suture surface uneven.

3. Needle piercing the dot pitch distance of the wound edge, the distance between the needle points should be equal.

4. The suture should not be too tight, to prevent the dental equipment suture edge various, mild valgus but requires two edge protrusions.

5 The distance of each suture needle is generally 5mm, oral mucosa stitch length should be closer to every 2 ~ 3mm needles.

6. Suture between the organizations may have tiny fissures, a small amount of exudate to discharge.

7. Such as wound turn, can be used teeth organization tweezers on both sides of the wound edge, adjust the wounds, so mild valgus.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Dental Implant six errors

Many people awareness of the dental implant six errors:

1. Have teeth no longer possible kinds of teeth

Doctors say: experts say, although in the tooth, there will be a part of the alveolar bone absorption, but there is still remaining alveolar bone dental implant in the remaining alveolar bone as the implant. In addition, pure titanium and bone tissue, good biocompatibility, bone cells will be combined with titanium, titanium screw surface growth, firmly together.

2. Dental Implant = do porcelain teeth on the natural root

Doctors say: do pile crown dental porcelain teeth is medically known as "natural root, is the scope of dental restorations, dental implants are teeth planting areas. The experts also said that the crown teeth are piling on the original root, then put on porcelain teeth, and so made the premise of the crown tooth root status. When the root is not good to be removed, "" teeth, dental implant root on the basis of the implant needs to be done.

3. Planting teeth once and for all

Doctors say: Experts believe that the useful life of the dental implant, currently observed at least more than 10 years, with each person's usage and protection methods. In general, the implantation of pure titanium implant is generally very solid no need to replace dental implant crown protection you may need to be replaced. For example, some people "tooth after dental implant gnaws bone, may cause the dental implant crown cracked or damaged, then you need to dental equipment replace the collapse loss of the crown.

4. Once the kinds of teeth, but their mouths had dental implant

The doctors say: No, once you choose a tooth, it must be "kinds" is full of each tooth. The experts pointed out that those entire rows of teeth off or lost a lot of teeth for the elderly, just do a small amount of dental implant as a fixed support piers, the whole row of false teeth firmly in the "pier" functioning.

5. Kinds of teeth are terrible major surgery

Doctors say: "" tooth actually minor surgery, has also developed to a minimally invasive operation, postoperative bleeding, does not appear throat and can be a one-time "kind of" all the missing teeth, the pain, trauma, and even more than extraction are also small. However, surgical procedure is precision.

6. Complete the kinds of teeth for 3-6 months

Doctors say: "teeth once completed. The experts pointed out that before "kind of" teeth you want to unplug the bad root, three months after the implantation of Cleft lip nasal deformity during the options artificial root, then every three months after the fitting of a crown. And now, with the understanding of the dental implant gradually increase, in some cases pulled out teeth can be immediately implanted artificial tooth root and installed crown shortened six month's time than before.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Orthodontic Edgewise correction technology development

Edgewise orthodontic Angle, Make in 1928 after years of studying and trying to orthodontic devices. This appliance care grooves rectangular, early correction of arch wires are rectangular, its main feature is the control teeth in the different directions of movement.

The early 1940s, Tweed Angle's edgewise technique on the basis of reform, the Tweed edgewise. With the deepening of Orthodontics development of the theory and clinical practice, the  Edgewise correction technology continue to change and dental equipment improvement, and absorbed many of the advantages of other technologies, making the technology just keep getting better, has become widely used in many countries clinical fixed orthodontic appliance one in the United States, Japan and other countries orthodontic clinical usage over 95% in the Edgewise correction technology, the current application, although the use of square brackets, but in the entire treatment process square arch wires not only the use of round wire, especially in the correction of the beginning of the correction technology including the filaments bow and Edgewise the principle, it can be called the Edgewise filaments bow correction technology, referred to as Edgewise correction technology. China in the early 1980s, the introduction of the correction, followed by continuing efforts to promote development How to keep your mouth clean porcelain teeth in the country, and has enabled the correction of equipment localization, so that the Edgewise correction technology to become the major orthodontic correction technology, the clinical widely carried out.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Fillings to be a protective sleeve multiplier

A lot of people to the hospital many times for dental treatment, and spent a lot of time and money in the teeth make up a good that everything will be fine, but do not know the teeth at any time the likelihood of collapse, a long time, maybe will continue to rot.

Fill a tooth after the majority of the dead dental pulp, the teeth due to the lack of nutrient supply of the pulp of dental hard tissue, plus fill the role of dental drugs, and hard tissue loss makes the teeth brittle larger resistance to fracture decreased ability to chew into the sand very easy to split in the consumption of hard objects or careless. In addition, due to the lack of nutrient supply of the pulp of dental hard tissue, the teeth on caries resistance is greatly decreased, and dental equipment because of the filling material and tooth edge is virtually impossible to completely seal, there is a micro-leakage, bacterial will enter the micro-leakage caused by inflammation or secondary caries.

And because of dental defects too much, or caries is too large, dental materials are often unable to establish normal occlusion or simply can not make up solid. If this type of dental diseases within the mouth of a patient, the masticatory function will be greatly decreased, the medical treatment is considered complete only the first step, such as not to fill teeth to be a protective sleeve is a very regrettable thing, which is People often say that the teeth more to complement the more not the main reason lies.

Oral medical profession in recent years, a concept is formed to fill non-vital teeth should be routine crown fill teeth cover up to protect them. Such teeth is not easy to crack, due to isolation from the outside environment, the teeth are not easy to the recurrence What are the performance characteristics of dentition of caries, but also can be restored to its original shape and function of teeth.

The previous high with a hammer made ​​crowns, and teeth do not close together, the intensity of low and poor durability of shape recovery is not ideal, has been completely eliminated, now metal crown using industrial casting technology, with the teeth close together nature good, high strength, durable strong, you can restore any shape of the crown, the crown can be made even completely the same appearance of real teeth.