Mandibular retrusion mandibular hypoplasia or a congenital lack of the back of lower front teeth and the lateral period muscle dysfunction caused by a jaw malocclusion. Clinical manifestations.
1. Mandibular retrusion, normal maxillary position, the front teeth dark covering the anterior teeth was tilted, the lower front teeth high bite approached teeth lingual protuberance or palate mucosa, lower lip attached to the upper front teeth that extend occlusion of the posterior teeth together as far.
2. Mandibular anterior teeth deep laminated. Anterior teeth lingual to the labial gingiva on teeth before biting the next, the lower front teeth bite on the palate mucosa, occlusion of the posterior teeth distal co.
3. Mandibular retrusion, under the arch is less than the upper arch, the facial 1/3 height shorter, lateral view of mandible more shrinkage.
4. Anterior teeth deep coverage of the anterior teeth exposed to the estuary, the profile seems lower jaw and chin retrusion, upper and lower vastly disproportionate.
Diagnosis is based on
Oral mandibular model with maxillary prognathism, anterior deep coverage is often accompanied by deep laminated the difference between normal maxillary positions, mandibular chin retrusion. The 2.X Cephalometry SNB angle and dental equipment face angle is less than the normal range. ANB angle greater than normal, the SNA angle is normal.
Principles of treatment
1. Functional mandibular retrusion therapy:
(1). Wear into the attached flat guide plate maxillary activity appliance and try to wear in addition to between individual teeth interference, and to do the lateral period muscle function exercise among sex occlusal habits have been basic to complete, will be flat guide plate change to do inclined plane, such as the posterior teeth to restore contact need to continue wearing the inclined board for a period of time,
(2). Can wear down the activities of non-functional plane splint appliance for intermaxillary Class II traction, improved jaw relationship.
2. Narrow maxillary arch and mandibular retrusion, flat plate and extend the activities of the bow spring appliance, adjust the afterburner expand the Teeth after root canal therapy need braces upper arch, occlusal balance could be replaced by bevel guides guide the lower jaw forward to its normal position. Or fixed appliance.
3. Mandibular posterior teeth neutral co-mandibular anterior teeth to the labial push the open secluded gap teeth.
4. Mandibular retrusion severe cases, the available surgical orthodontic surgery to correct, and for the chin angioplasty.
5. Mandibular retrusion of maxillary protrusion, such malocclusion deep coverage of the most serious, the main focus, with surgical orthodontic surgery orthodontic treatment. The principles of a drug need surgery, preoperative and postoperative medical advice line, and the conventional anti-infective drugs. Additional tests.