Monday 18 July 2011

Teeth cleaning to reduce blood sugar

In diabetic patients complicated with oral diseases are common, especially for combination therapy or insulin injections are not ideal blood sugar control in patients with severe diabetes, if they can strengthen the oral care, oral disease, the cure for blood glucose control can play a multiplier effect.

In diabetic patients complicated with oral diseases are common, especially for combination therapy or insulin injections are not ideal blood sugar control in patients with severe diabetes, if they can strengthen the oral care, oral disease, the cure for blood glucose control can play a multiplier effect.

Experts point out that high blood sugar can cause microvascular disease. The oral and facial rich in blood vessels, so sick, often cause dry mouth, burning lips and mucous membranes, tongue dry, taste changes and other symptoms, resulting in diabetic patients suffering from Dental Equipment greatly increased risk of periodontal disease, a common gum congestion , swelling, calculus deposition, the teeth fall off and so on.

Diabetic patients by clinical group observed: When the diabetic patients receiving oral treatment of disease, its glycemic index decreased significantly. Of which nearly 2 percent of patients with reduced oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin dosage. Therefore, attention to oral care of patients with diabetes to maintain good oral health, will help control blood sugar.

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