Monday 26 September 2011

Cause of tooth development disorder

At present the reasons for tooth development disorder, the mechanism is not very clear, but according to the clinical and experimental studies summarized in the report are the following reasons:

Physical factors: such as radiation, mechanical pressure, when the growth of the fetus in the womb, a part of the body by external pressure, the part may be stunted. Animal experiments show that when the jaws are squeezed fusion can occur when teeth deformities.

Chemical factors: such as chemical drugs, environmental pollution or lack of nutrients such as calcium, iron, protein, and endocrine disorders, iron deficiency anemia in Dental Equipment pregnant women can cause fetal enamel dysplasia.

Pathogenic micro-organisms: viruses such as rubella, syphilis, syphilis infection in pregnant women the fetus by Treponema pallidum violation form a "mulberry-like teeth" and "half-moon shaped incisors"

Genes: the nucleus of the human body there are thousands of genetic material, the combination of genes arranged in a certain order in 23 pairs of chromosomes, if the number of chromosomes within the cell or abnormal shape, or combinations of genes changed it will show a deformity or disease, such as hereditary opalescent dentin.

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