Monday 19 December 2011

Titanium ceramic dental material?

Titanium dental porcelain is a type of porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth, titanium is now increasingly being loved, bad teeth, people who use titanium porcelain teeth, the ratio is increasing, so that we to specifically look at titanium porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth and take a look at the price of titanium.

Dental Center experts: the composition of titanium dental porcelain, in fact, not all dead, and titanium.

In general, the main constituent of nickel, chromium and dental equipment a small amount of titanium, titanium components is very low, only about 4% to 7%, after surgery, titanium entering the mouth of the patient to have the number, we must look surgery process may be.

And compared to the ordinary porcelain teeth, porcelain dental titanium components more stable, the effect is even better, while relatively good biocompatibility, general nurturing of good, may be relatively common porcelain teeth, you can use a lifetime time, the effect is more durable.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    You have provided a very good site to knowing about Titanium ceramic dental material. It is used as a replacement for a lost tooth due old age or hereditary reasons first part of the dental implant that is anchored in the jaw bone is made up of titanium and in shape of a screw availability in the market in different varieties. Thanks...

    Dental Curing Light
