Sunday, 15 April 2012

Dentures easy accumulation of plaque

But counterproductive clean dentures with toothpaste? Based on different materials, dentures than real teeth harder to clean, this will increase the denture wearers suffer from denture stomatitis and bacterial pneumonia, the risk of diseases.

Compared with real teeth, dentures surface more easily attached to the plaque. The experts pointed out that the real teeth and dentures, real teeth, no holes on the surface, and has self-cleaning ability, but dentures are made ​​of resin material, cracks, and there is no self-cleaning biodynamic.

According to reports, the accumulations of plaque in dentures often cause many diseases, especially the most common denture stomatitis. This stomatitis mainly manifested as local or diffuse inflammation, including Candida infections caused by about one-third of dental plaque. In addition, dental plaque, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumonia into the respiratory system may cause bacterial pneumonia; plaque in the Pseudomonas aerations bacteria into the dental equipment circulatory system may cause blood syndrome.

Why is toothpaste for cleaning dentures? Toothpaste, friction modifiers, clean it real teeth is necessary, but the denture resin, friction modifiers will increase the fracture of dentures, and dentures on the formation of deeper and more scratches on the contrary, it will become a dental plaque accumulation pool, thereby increasing the risk of illness.

Advocate denture wearers daily dentures take off to scrub, soak, soak in salt water and soda water, no apparent bactericidal effect but, it is recommended to soak the What must be tooth extraction dentures in the solution of denture cleaning tablets produced with soft bristles of the toothbrush dipped in dentures the cleaning solution gently scrub the denture surface, the final denture cleaning solution rinse with water and then back into the mouth wear.

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