Friday 6 January 2012

Negative emotions lead to bad breath

Bad breath caused by many reasons, but also cause bad breath, bad mood, a factor often overlooked by everyone.

In the clinic, there is a common psychological phenomenon, a lot of psychological distress in newly diagnosed patients to treatment, the psychiatrist can find a special halitosis patients. After a period of treatment, when the patient's psychological problems had improved, improved mood, bad breath, also will be significantly reduced or disappeared.

About bad breath and emotional relationship, Chinese medicine in the long description. Such as the Qing Dynasty, "the origins of complex diseases quiet candle," said: "false fire swelter, Yun between the stomachs in the chest is bad breath, Auntie Wei Hou, or the dental equipment person has bad breath, bad breath or lung." Which refers to the "touches" and "Auntie" are referring to is the person's negative emotional state.

Modern medicine bad breath are also classified in the range of psychosomatic illness that psychological factors, especially the poor state of mind can lead to bad breath.

Prevention and control bad breath after meals and at bedtime in addition to pay attention to brushing, mouthwash to maintain oral hygiene, refreshing with What is dentin hypersensitivity to note aromatic agents, the fundamental approach is to remove the cause. We will not only treat the organic diseases, but also attach importance to treatment of mental disorders, efforts to improve the emotional, the mental adjustment to good condition.

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